2020 changed us all.
Now it's time we drive...
deliberate, effective CHANGE.

THE LEATHER SOLIDARITY COLLECTIVE (LSC) has partnered with the DARK : BDSM Education and Support for People of Color to bring about the first in a series of BIPOC Leadership Summits.
The purpose of this summit is for those in the BDSM, Kink, and Leather communities who identify as People of the Global Majority, or People of Color, to come together to help define what leadership looks like for us and to develop coalitions and strategies for addressing our needs both within and outside of the kink communities by finding common ground, common purpose, and common goals, all while celebrating and recognizing that we are not a monolith and have cultural differences.
The topics discussed are as follows:
Meet The Leather Solidarity Collective
Amid the groundswell of the George Floyd and Black Lives Matter protests that rang loudly across the nation and the globe in 2020, a group of passionate folks in Leather, BDSM, and Kink Communities banded together to bring antiracist activism to our own Leather/Kink Lifestyle Community through a series of several virtual town halls—"Navigating Racism During Two Pandemics." Our 2021 efforts include a full 3-Day conference to celebrate People of Color and BIPOC Allies in Leather and Kink!