The Leather Solidarity Collective
Our goal is to highlight People of Color in Leather & Kink to create a safe space and supportive event for our underserved yet passionate Communities of Color as well as our allies, advocates, and friends. Creating a successful event will without question demonstrate to the broader kink community the power, value, and wealth of knowledge and experience People of Color have to show up, support, and educate in WIITWD.
LSC/UPRISE! Event Rules
● Please respect that this is a panel discussion centered around Black Indigenous People of Color and their experiences, thoughts and feelings. The isms and phobias will not be allowed in this space.
● LSC welcomes everyone regardless of colour, gender, sexuality, lifestyle affiliation, and any other designation where discrimination may occur.
● All attendees and those on camera must be over the age of 18. No exceptions.
● No nudity, sexual acts or anti-social behaviour should be seen on camera. Any violations of this runs the risk of you being removed.
● Please ensure that mics are off when entering the room and during the panel, unless you have been invited to speak.
● Your camera may be on unless there is a technical issue in which case attendees may all be asked to turn their cameras off.
● Closed Captioning will be available, and can be switched on for those who require it. Please DM a moderator in the chat if you do not know how to do this.
● Please keep all chat civil. Moderators have the right to warn and remove people should anyone cause disruption or use any form of offensive language in both public and private messaging.